We have solution for installing Motion Editor 1.1 and Sonic Stage 5 on Windows 10 64bit version thanx to Alex Galamdinov freelancer from Russia.
Thanks Options:
- donate to Alex Galamdinov on his paypal atomtxt@gmail.com
- hire Alex Galamdinov if you need help with programming and software solutions: https://www.freelancer.com/u/bbkuser.html?ref_project_id=14432294
- Say THANKS 🙂
I dont’t have much time to finish video tutorial so here is tutorial and explanation from Alex:
Software and links:
- Sonic Stage 5.1 – Download
- Motion Editor – Download
- WinAPIOverride – Download
- FakeApi.dll – CLICK HERE to download
- Install Sonic Storage
– make sure that MS Windows Media Player is installed and configured (search -> “Windows Media” ->run)
– unpack “SonicStage-5.1.zip”
– run “\SonicStage5.1-ha\Ssv-5.1-PA-DL\Common\OpenMG\setup.exe” to install OpenMG
– run “\SonicStage5.1-ha\Ssv-5.1-PA-DL\SonicStage\Japanese\setup.exe” (I’m not sure if that step is needed)
– run “\SonicStage5.1-ha\SonicStage.exe”
– restart Windows
If there is some problem while installing you will get message box with error description in Japanese. Click on header of message box to set focus on and press Ctr+C to copy message to clipboard. Then paste it to google translator. You will get some error after restart but just close it and run sonic stage again.
- Install Motion Editor
– unpack MotionEditor11Installer.zip
– unpack “winapioverride32_bin.zip”
– run “WinAPIOverride64.exe”
– press “…” button and select path for “MotionEditor11Installer.exe”:
– press green button to run and hook installer:
– press “…” button and select path for “FakeApi.dll”:
– press “Load” button to load “FakeApi.dll”:
– press “Resume” button into popup window:
– complete install wizard steps
– restart windows
After that try to use part of this tutorial “SEP-10 Software Easy Install on Windows 10” for transfering songs and motion files.
You can follow tutorial “SEP-10 Software easy install on Windows 10” to skip japanese version of XP installation!
Many of you asked how to transfer Mp3 with motions to SEP-10(50) so here it is!
This tutorial is made by Marco Ocram 🙂 .
Thanks Option #1
Make a donation to Marco Ocram – paypal is: Mad-Max@gmx.ch
Thanks Option #2
Say THANKS… It will make us smile and know our time wasn’t wasted just knowing someone appreciated the effort we put into making this.
Part 1 – Software that you will need
Step 1
Install VMware Workstation. You can download it from here (or search for version that will work with your OS):
Step 2
You will need japanese version of Windows XP iso file. You can find torrent by searching “torrent windows.xp.sp3.x86.jap.zip” in google.
Install VMware Workstation and Windows XP japan version.
You can follow this tutorial for how to install:
Step 3
Download Sonic Stage from here.
Download Motion Editor from here.
Download Mp3’s with motion files (mtf) from here. For mp3 files you can try to find/buy it or contact us on our Facebook group and we will help you with that 😉 .
Part 2 – Songs and Motion Transfer
1. Move zipped sonic stage to root of hard drive c:
2. Expand the zip file
3. Use uniextract to do the job you can also use windows internal zip
4. Start AND finish sonic stage V installation
5. Move Motion Editor to root folder of hard drive c: and install it
6. Open Sonic Stage V
7. Drag & Drop MP3 in the left part
8. Make a new group (right mouse click) if you want
9. Select the mp3 in left part
10. Press Transfer Button
11. select,and drag&drop the transferred file to your prevoriously made group, because sonic stage always make his own group
12. Select the empty group ,right mouse click on (D)
13. Select ( Y ) for delete empty group
14. Close Sonic Stage
15. Fire up motion editor … i make a shortcut to desktop (you have to make a shortcut manually)
16. DOUBLE-Click on the right .motion file in the folder for the mp3 you just added
After import:
18. Press arrow down and select (M) from menu to add a motion the highlighted mp3
19. Highlight the rigt motion file you want to add and press ok
20. Finished… you can close motion editor all changes are imedeatly made to rolly